Monday, July 30, 2012

Occupational Injuries related to Sleepiness in Indian Traditional Industries

Occupational Injuries related to Sleepiness in Indian Traditional Industries
Ajeet Jaiswal
Dr. Ajeet Jaiswal, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Pondicherry University,  Puducherry, India.  Email:, Phone no. : 09791201427, 08122594335. 

Human Biology Review (ISSN 2277 4424)   1(3) 2012, Original scientific paper (Jaiswal  pp  248-267)
Revised and accepted on  18.07.2012


A cross-sectional study was done to evaluate the rate of sleepiness and its relation to occupational injuries in Indian Traditional Industries. Data was collected using pretested and structured questionnaire about eight sleep habits, symptoms of depression, occupational injury due to fatigue, demographics, presence of diseases and lifestyle factors from 920 workers between the ages of 18–65 (mean 433.5) year in small scale industries. Occupational injury was assessed by asking subjects ‘Have you ever been injured during your work, including minor scratches and cuts (Yes/ No)?  Both sleep and injury were assessed over the previous one year period.  One-third of workers answered that they had experienced injury.  Workers with sleep features of DIS, sleeping poorly at night, insufficient sleep, and insomnia had a significantly higher prevalence for injury after adjusting for multiple confounders.  The findings suggest that poor nocturnal sleep habits are associated with self-reported occupational injury.

Key words:  Occupational injury, Epidemiology, Safety, Sleep, Small scale industries.

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